Orissa Service Code Download Free

Rule 74(b) of the Orissa Service Code reads thus: 4 'Where a Government servant holding a post is promoted or appointed to another post carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attached to the post held by him, initial pay in the time scale of the higher post shall be fixed at the stage next above the pay. Created Date: 5/31/2016 3:46:09 PM. Oct 01, 2003  Listed below are place of service codes and descriptions. These codes should be used on professional claims to specify the entity where service(s) were rendered. Check with individual payers (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, other private insurance) for reimbursement policies regarding these codes. Same meaning as respectively assigned to them in the Orissa Service Code. CHAPTER II CONSTITUTION OF SERVICE 3. (1 ) The Orissa Planning Service shall comprise: (a ) The Orissa Planning Service, Class I, and (b ) The Orissa Planning Service, Class II, (2 ) The Orissa Planning Service, Class I shall include the posts of Joint Director.

Orissa Service Code Download Free Pc

Odisha Fire Service
We Serve to Save
Agency overview
Fire chiefBidya Bhusan Mohanty
Facilities and equipment
An antique fire extinguisher from the Odisha State Museum in Bhubaneswar

Odisha Fire Service (OFS) is the state owned service that attends firefighting/rescue calls throughout the Indian state of Odisha. It was established in 1944 during World War II in response to the threat of possible attacks from Japan.[1] In 1945, it became part of the Odisha State Police.[1] The fire service consists of 153 fire stations. As of 2008, there were 1,962 personnel with over 350 fire appliances at their disposal.[1] OFS is headed by a Director, who has the rank of Inspector General of Police and is under the administrative control of the Odisha State Home Department.[1] The Odisha Fire Service Act, 1993 governs the fire prevention measures, lays down fire safety norms, and also mandates the formation of a fire service.[2]


  1. ^ abcd'Odisha Fire Service: An overview'(PDF). Home Department, Government of Odisha. Retrieved 23 January 2013.
  2. ^'Odisha Fire Safety Act, 1993'(PDF). Home Department, Government of Odisha. Retrieved 23 January 2013.

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Odisha_Fire_Service&oldid=907962277'


01.Time limit foravailing Paternity Leave.

02.LND can besanctioned even if Earned Leave is at credit.

03.LND can beavailed even if Earned Leave is at credit.

04.LND cannotbe adjusted against the future credit of EL.

05.ExceptCasual Leave no other kind of leave can be granted for half day.

06.Permissibleperiod of CL can be availed continuously in the consecutive years.


07.Combinationof CL and RH in two successive years permissible.

08.Combinationof CL with regular leave, not allowed.

09.RestrictedHolidays can be combined/sandwiched between casual and closed holidays.

10.RestrictedHoliday can be prefixed/suffixed to any regular leave.

11.CompensatoryHoliday can be suffixed/prefixed to any kind of leave.

12.SpecialCasual Leave cannot be sandwiched between two spells of leave.

13.SpecialCasual Leave for Family Planning operation is to be availed following the dateof operation.

14.SpecialCasual Leave is not admissible for tubectomy operation undergone duringmaternity leave.

15.Whilecalculating Special CL, intervening holidays will also be taken into account.

16.Whilecalculating Special Casual Leave for undergoing for family planning, interveningholidays should

17.MedicalCertificate not required for availing Maternity Leave.

18.MaternityLeave to a female Govt. Servant who married a widower having two survivingchildren.

19.Maternityleave can be granted from the date of its commencement and need not necessarilybe

20.45 daysMaternity leave on account of abortion/miscarriage admissible in the entireservice can be

21.Admissibilityof maternity leave if married a widower having two surviving children.

22.No MaternityLeave to a widow having more than two surviving children and remarried later.

23. How manytimes the Maternity Leave could be availed?

24. MaternityLeave for miscarriage/abortion taken prior to 16-6-1994 not to be taken intoaccount.

25. Leave incontinuation of maternity leave in the case of temporary employees.

26.Survivingchildren does not include step child for eligibility of Maternity Leave.

27.MaternityLeave to commence from the date of confinement at the latest.

28.MaternityLeave cannot commence after vacation when confinement was during vacation.

29.MaternityLeave cannot be availed in installments.

30.If thefitness certificate issued by the Doctor happens to be a holiday, that datedeemed to have been

31.MC need notnecessarily be signed by the doctor on the date the Govt. servant fell ill.

32.MC and FCnot necessary from the same Doctor.

33.AMAsnominated by CG local Co-ordination Committees can also issue medicalcertificates to

34.Dies non’period will not qualify for leave, increment and pension.

35.Period ofleave already sanctioned cannot be treated as `Dies-non’ subsequently.

36.Transfer ofleave from one organization to another, on permanent absorption is notpermissible.

37. Treatment ofEL at credit on appointment from one Deptt to another after tendering technicalresignation.

38.Fraction ofa day should be rounded off when crediting the EL.

39.One whojoins on the afternoon of the first day of a month is not entitled to EL forthat month.

40.Official hasto join duty at the beginning of working hours of the office on expiry ofEarned Leave.

41. Leave oncesanctioned/regularized by the competent authority, cannot be questioned/reviewedby

42.Conversionof leave is at the sole discretion of leave sanctioning authority.

43.Study leavecan be availed in different spells and can be combined with other kinds ofleave.

44.Overstayalof leave to be regulated as per CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972.

Orissa service code download free download

45.Regularizationof period of overstayal of leave.

46. Leaveencashment on the death of a Govt.Servant.

47.No bar topay Leave Salary advance for the month of March.

48.Date of retirementon medical grounds.

49.Leaveencashment not admissible on dismissal.

50.Withholdingof pay for the period of absence.

51. Drawal ofincrement falling due during holidays prefixed to EL.

52.Drawal ofincrement during Holidays suffixed to EL.

53.Incrementfalling during Casual Leave, to be drawn.

54.Suffixingholidays to regular leave.

55.Denial ofprefixing/ suffixing of holidays for DDOs.

56.Prefixingand Suffixing of Sunday/holidays not permissible while availing leave incontinuation of

57.Holidayscannot be sandwiched between leave and Joining Time.

Odisha Service Code Pdf Free Download


Orissa Service Code Download Free 2017